The definition of the tumor microenvironment

The members of this interdisciplinary project attempt to propose a refined definition of the notion of tumor microenvironment, at the interface between cancer biology, developmental biology, immunology, and studies on angiogenesis.
People involved: Andreas Bikfalvi (Inserm), Dorothée Duluc, Lucie Laplane (IHPST & IGR), Nicolas Larmonier, Thomas Pradeu.
More information about this project here.

Immunity, mobility, and aging

Initiated by Jean-François Moreau, this project is based on the idea that mobility is central to immunity. In the transition from unicellularity to multicellularity, all cells have mostly lost their mobility – except for the immune cells. We are interested in better characterizing this link between immunity and mobility, and the way it emerged through evolution. On this ground, we propose a novel hypothesis about aging and immunosenescence, based on the idea that the increasing stiffness and cross-linking of the senescent ECM lead to progressive immunodeficiency via an age-related decrease in T cell mobility and the death of these cells.
People involved in Bordeaux: Jean-François Moreau, Leonardo Bich, Thomas Pradeu.
PI: Jean-François Moreau
Partners: Daniel Choquet, Claudio Franceschi.

Immunity and the constant construction and maintenance of biological boundaries

Recent data show that the immune system is not just a system of elimination and defence, but is involved, much more broadly, in development, regulation, and repair. One key problem is to determine how the immune system constantly patrols and repairs biological boundaries, such as the epithelium and the endothelium. We are particularly interested in how innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) and gammadelta T cells are involved in this process. We are developing, with Patrick Blanco’s group, a translational program exploring the role of ILC2s in controlling and maintaining the endothelium, both in physiological and pathological conditions, including in fibrosis and systemic sclerosis.
People involved in Bordeaux: Patrick Blanco, Cécile Contin-Bordes, Julie Déchanet-Merville, Paôline Laurent (PhD student), Valérie Jolivel (postdoc), Pauline Manicki, Jean-François Moreau, Thomas Pradeu, Marie-Elise Truchetet.
PI: Thomas Pradeu
This project is funded by the IDEX programme of the University of Bordeaux and Thomas Pradeu’s group at ImmunoConcept.

Understanding immunogenicity

Understanding the triggering of an immune response

The aim of this interdisciplinary project is to offer, through the articulation of conceptual, experimental, and medical perspectives, a better characterization of how the immune system is activated. What triggers an effector or a regulatory immune response? How can concepts, theories, and models help us understand how the immune system is activated? One aspect of this investigation is the assessment of the “discontinuity theory” Pradeu, Jaeger and Vivier 2013; Pradeu and Vivier 2016), which states that effector immune responses are triggered by sudden changes in the molecular patterns with which immune receptors interact.

People involved in Bordeaux: Julie Déchanet-Merville, Hannah Kaminsky, Maria Mamani, Jean-François Moreau, Thomas Pradeu, Marie-Elise Truchetet.
PI: Thomas Pradeu
Partners: Gérard Eberl (Institut Pasteur), Eric Vivier (CIML).
More information about this project here.

Other Project Template

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Medicine Project Template

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Integer gravida tortor sit amet magna convallis venenatis. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum ut sagittis justo. Donec blandit aliquet orci, in pellentesque dui consequat et. Praesent aliquam sapien varius, feugiat metus vitae, viverra nibh. Suspendisse hendrerit urna nec lorem vestibulum, sit amet sodales augue pretium. Nam eget felis a lacus commodo mollis sed nec metus. Duis mollis commodo lacus, fermentum posuere mi posuere eu. Vivamus ac lorem placerat justo rhoncus sodales in a dolor. Mauris erat mauris, facilisis eu aliquam vitae, tempor sit amet sem. Nunc sit amet sollicitudin dui, ac varius mauris. Fusce ullamcorper est sed velit cursus, nec placerat ipsum feugiat. Curabitur quis dignissim dolor, ut scelerisque ligula. Aliquam imperdiet, mi ac bibendum volutpat, lacus enim rhoncus dolor, molestie eleifend sapien purus id nibh.
Praesent mattis ultricies mauris, in consectetur lorem lobortis sit amet. Cras dignissim et neque in malesuada. Etiam sodales diam lorem, quis hendrerit leo scelerisque nec. Donec interdum nisi nisi, non placerat augue semper sed. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec sit amet ante augue. Phasellus rhoncus sed nunc in vestibulum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Mauris eros dui, sodales luctus efficitur vel, aliquam sed eros. Proin elementum fringilla facilisis. Phasellus lacus sem, hendrerit sed tellus eu, bibendum ultricies felis. Vivamus efficitur volutpat augue sed ornare. Vestibulum ut rutrum turpis. Morbi et condimentum turpis. Sed ut sollicitudin orci. Vivamus interdum tellus quis sem porttitor gravida. Mauris et ipsum a ante ultricies consequat. Vivamus quis sem sit amet odio varius porta. Aenean vitae semper elit, congue pharetra enim. Vestibulum semper molestie dolor, a faucibus velit lobortis porta.

Biology Project Template

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