Upcoming PhilInBioMed Team Meetings
Team Meeting : Antonine Nicoglou
Team Meeting : Ludo L.J. Schoenmakers (KLI)
Past Team Meetings
If you would like to be part of our mailing list, please contact Thomas Pradeu.
Team Meeting : Margarida Hermida ( KCL)
Team Meeting Andrea and Sean
Team Meeting : Clara and Jacob
Team Meeting: Marie Vasse
Predation in microbial communities: Nature red in tooth and claw writ small Marie investigates the assembly, functioning and evolution of collectives, with a focus on microbial communities. Using a combination …
Team Meeting: Faustine Oliva
Faustine Oliva is a doctoral student at Université d’Aix-Marseille. Her project is about the significance of computer-assisted proofs for mathematical knowledge. In what sense are (computer-assisted) proofs experiments? The Four …
Team Meeting: Shaan Lepaul-Picolet
Team Meeting: Damien Brisou
Damien Brisou is a doctoral student at ImmunoConcept. In the meeting he will present tools he uses for bibliographic and bibliometric analysis.
Team Meeting: Sophie Veigl (virtual)
How to classify transgenerational immune systems? Abstract: In recent years, immune systems have sparked considerable interest within the philosophy of science. One issue that has received increased attention is whether …
Team Meeting: Jonathan Sholl
Jonathan will give an overview of the projects he's worked on during his stay in Sydney.
Team Meeting: Shaan Lepaul-Picolet
Team Meeting: Urte Laukaityte
A team member will present the topic they are currently working on.
Team Meeting
Discussion on the conceptual part of Guillaume's dissertation and strategic discussion for the senior members.
Team Meeting: Mathilde Lequin
Mathilde Lequin Are Paleoanthropologists Doing Developmental Biology? Mathilde Lequin is a CNRS researcher at the PACEA lab in Bordeaux. She is a philosopher specializing in the epistemology of paleoanthropology. Her …
Team meeting
Team meeting
Team meeting
Team meeting
"Ignorance phenomena in scientific research: developing tools to grasp what we don’t know " Speaker : Lucie Boël (PhD student, Lyon)
Dorien Salet (Radboud), Trained hypercoagulability: an immunological approach to coagulation
Team meeting: Talk by Dorien Salet (MD | PhD candidate Immunothrombosis, Radboud University Medical Centre, The Netherlands) Dorien will be our host for the entire week (April 1-6, 2023). Please …
Bordeaux, 33800 France
Martin Zach (Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences), Integrated immunity: Conceptual investigation of organismal defense
Team meeting (virtual): Research Project presentation by Martin Zach (Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic), on 'Integrated immunity: Conceptual investigation of organismal defense'.
Organizer: Thomas Pradeu