John Bickle

John Bickle is Professor of Philosophy and Adjunct Professor of Psychology at Mississippi State University, and Affiliated Faculty in the Department of Neurobiology and Anatomical Sciences at the University of Mississippi Medical Center. His research interests are in philosophy of neuroscience, scientific reductionism, and cellular and molecular mechanisms of consciousness and cognition.

Samuel Alizon

Samuel Alizon is a CNRS Research Director at MIVEGEC in Montpellier. He is an evolutionary ecologist specialised in the modelling of infectious disease dynamics.

J. Arvid Ågren

J. Arvid Ågren is an evolutionary biologist, currently holding a Wenner-Gren Fellowship at Harvard University. His research focuses on genomic conflicts and the foundations of the gene’s-eye view of evolution.

Brian McGill

Brian McGill is a Professor of Ecological Modelling at the University of Maine. His research focuses on the intersection of biodiversity, global change, and big data. He has a long standing interest in thinking, talking, and writing about how scientists do their work.